Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's That Time of Year Again

This year I got my spring garden planted right on schedule -- March 1-3.  I'm no longer using these coldframe boxes for my winter garden -- it's too much trouble closing them each night and opening them every morning, and if I forget to close them (which I've been known to do), it takes the plants many weeks to recover from the shock, if they aren't killed outright.  I don't mind covering the coldframes at night during the spring, since the early spring heavy frost season only lasts a month or so.  It's worth the trouble to get my seeds in the ground a month earlier than I could otherwise.

The closest box contains the usual 9 broccoli seedlings, barely visible in this photo.  Other boxes contain leaf lettuce, beets, spinach, mesclun mix, and a special 5th coldframe of edible-podded peas.  At the end of the row is a pile of the blankets I use to cover the coldframes at night (it's still getting down to the low 20s in our frost pocket).  The lids on the two closest coldframes don't really work too well -- they warped, leaving a large gap when closed, so they have to be covered with blankets anyway.